So much more than Color
I love color! I love that God created color, not just for the sake of variety, but as a unique expression of who He is, and we get to reflect His love in our own God created, unique way. I love that God is so much more complex and our identity in Him goes beyond just color.
I’m blessed that as an overcomer of many of the enemy’s ploys, (one of which is called racism), to derail my identity, I have learned to look to my Creator for healing, restoration, comfort, wisdom, compassion, strength, joy, fulfillment and most of all to fight my battles. (Because they are spiritual battles) I learned that no one or nothing else could give me those things and no one else is responsible for it either. I know who my real enemy is.
One of the best parts of moving to America is that I didn’t have to speak color to my children. It was a word I chose not to include in my conversations with them regarding their identity, especially because of what I came from. Now, again with this current ploy of the enemy, I am forced to use the word “color” in my conversations. Whether ill intent or not, whether to heal or to harm, the tainted version of the “color”, in regards to identity, should not even be in our vocabulary. The enemy tried to take me out multiple times, and I’ve learned to fight that battle on my knees. And when he comes after my family, (John 10:10), I know my God will fight for me again.
Disclaimer: Just sharing my heart. I’m not looking for sympathy or apologies. No one owes me anything. Love you all.